Telephone: 07876686114

                     01635 282646



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Freelance Quantity Surveying

Using our freelance quantity surveying service enables you to smooth your resource requirements to accommodate variations in QS workload, or even take on a new project that you might otherwise turn down because of lack of QS resources.

We have beneficial main contractor quantity surveyor experience, providing high quality interim quantity surveying (QS) support for all projects, either on contractors’ sites or at their offices.  With a high skill set and sound commercial experience we are able to offer a professional, flexible level of QS service.  We offer day to day general freelance quantity surveying duties based at either your offices or on site.

Typical QS tasks undertaken can include (but not limited to):

  • Interim Valuations and Variation Account Production.
  • Month end Cost/Value reporting.
  • Cash flow forecasting.
  • Subcontract procurement & management.
  • Production of Loss & Expense Claims and forensic retrospective extension of time claims.
  • Production and agreement of Final Accounts.
  • Re-measurement.
  • Resolution of existing ''problem'' Final Accounts. 
  • Dispute Resolution.                           

We have a strongly held belief that for any potential dispute it is better to try and mediate a mutually beneficial outcome for all parties before it becomes more costly to resolve and we will seek the most commercial and cost effective route towards conflict avoidance or resolution. However, if the problem persists or becomes more serious our close alliance with leading dispute professional’senables us toescalate to adjudication any difficult projects to get a fair outcome - accordingly dispute resolution enquiries are very welcome.